Thursday, January 20, 2011

Beanstalking Jack

PS. The post yesterday was of a set design I'm working on for UCONN Opera. Giant storybook, lots of happy painting with latex paints. I'm discovering that a quart of each of the general colors I need is plenty for a project this size. Which is really good to know for future reference.On the castle page I used white, dark blue, raw sienna, yellow-green, and dark green.

I've been using glidden paint from Home Depot. It's wonderful because it's cheap, plentiful, and you get exactly the color you want without spending time mixing down from the basic colors. You don't however have the ability to do nice glazes unless you get the pigment mixed into one of the "faux glaze" bases they sell.  But if you're going for a thicker kind of look, then it works just fine.

The key to painting on wood (like I'm doing here) is using a good primer. Otherwise it will take a couple coats of colored paint to cancel out the wood grain underneath.

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